Getting Started with SecureSafe: How to Create Your SecureSafe Account

Follow our guide to register on SecureSafe. Set up your account, create a strong password, choose a subscription plan, and secure your data with recovery codes.

Are you looking to get started with SecureSafe? Simply follow the steps below and create your SecureSafe account with just a few clicks.

  1. Before you start setting up your SecureSafe account, ensure that you read Prerequisites and Assumptions. If necessary, update the operating system of your device.

  2. To get started, visit the DSwiss website. Here, you can either press the Sign Up for free button or the Register button.

    Sign up for free on the homepage by clicking the “Register“ button

  3. Make sure to fill in all fields in the Create account tab of the registration process with your information. The following steps will provide you with further explanations on each field.

    1. Select your preferred language. Review FAQs, T&C, and Data Protection Notes.

      Create a Username and Password and provide some basic information to create an account.

    2. Type a memorable name in the Username field. Please note: Once you created your account, your Username cannot be changed anymore.

    3. Type a memorable but strong password in the Password field. This is the only password that you must remember when using SecureSafe, as this will allow you to access every password you store in your SecureSafe.

    4. Check the password Strength indicator and ensure that the password created in the previous step is strong.

    5. Re-type your password in the Password (repeat) field.

    6. Provide your email address in the Email field. This enables you to receive account notifications and information about updates.

    7. Place a check in the Terms of Service checkbox.

    8. Optionally, place a check in the updates subscription checkbox, if you wish to be informed on any news and updates regarding SecureSafe.

    9. Click Create new account to display the email confirmation step.

    10. Confirm that the email address displayed is correct. If it is correct, skip the next step.

      To create a new account it is essential that the email address is correct. Better double check it.

    11. If the email address is wrong, click Change email address.

    12. Check the inbox of your provided email account. You should have received an email with a 6-digit confirmation code, which should be typed into the Your confirmation code (6-digit) field.

    13. Click Next to proceed.

  4. From the Recovery code tab of the registration process, save your SecureSafe account recovery codes.

    1. Click Download PDF to download a copy of your SecureSafe account recovery codes.

      Account recovery codes need to be downladed in case of lost credentials. They are the only way to recover your account.

    2. On your device, navigate to your Downloads folder and find the downloaded recovery codes.

    3. Save the recovery codes file to a memorable location on your device and/or print the file and keep it in a safe place.

    4. Click Next to proceed.

  5. From the Account type tab of the registration process, select your preferred subscription plan.

    1. Select your preferred currency. You can choose U.S. Dollar (USD), Swiss Franc (CHF), or Euro (EUR).

      Selecting a subscription plan is easy and you can choose various currencies.

    2. Select your desired subscription term length. If you opt for our X year subscription plan, you benefit of X months for free; with the X year plan, you receive even X months gifted.
    3. If you have a discount voucher code, type it into the Voucher field. This automatically applies discount to the subscription options displayed.

    4. Select from the subscription options available, by choosing Use for free for the FREE subscription plan, or by choosing Buy for one of the paid subscription plans (PRO, SILVER, or GOLD).

  6. Next, you will be asked if you require an invoice.
    1. Choose No if you do not require an invoice.

      You can select to not receive an invoice from DSwiss.
    2. Choose Yes if you require an invoice. Next, complete the form that will be displayed in the expanded window. 

      You can select to receive an invoice from DSwiss.
  7. Confirm by clicking Continue

  8. Review the Order overview that displays, ensuring that all the information is correct.

    You can come back to edit your order details or continue with the order process.
  9. Complete your purchase by clicking Buy now.

  10. Now proceed through the payment process, choosing between payment with credit card and PayPal payment.

    Choose among secure payment methods to finalise SecureSafe account creation.
  11. You can now proceed to log in to your SecureSafe account. If you encounter any difficulties in this step, please refer to the help section on Logging into SecureSafe on a Web Browser.