Easily update your name, phone number, and email address in SecureSafe. Keep your user information details up-to-date in the contact tab of your account.
If you are looking to update the name and contact details connected to your SecureSafe, please navigate to the Contact tab in Settings.
- Type your first name into the First name field.
Type your surname into the Last name field.
To add your mobile phone number to your account, click the
symbol next to the Mobile phone number field.
- By default, the location dropdown is expanded. The list of countries filters as you type, as displayed in the screenshot below. Select the country where your mobile phone is registered to.
- Now type your mobile/cell number into the Mobile phone number field.
- Click OK to save your mobile phone number changes.
- By default, the location dropdown is expanded. The list of countries filters as you type, as displayed in the screenshot below. Select the country where your mobile phone is registered to.
- To add or delete an email address associated with your account, click the
symbol next to the Email address field.
- To add another email address, click the
symbol and type another email address into the new field displayed.
- To delete an email address, click the
symbol beside the email address that you wish to delete.
- To edit an existing email address, click the
symbol beside the email address that you wish to edit. Then make the required changes to the Email address field and click OK.
- To add another email address, click the
Click Save and close to save any changes made.