How can I enable and use the password autofill feature on my iPhone?

Note: Please note that to use the password autofill feature on your iPhone or iPad, Face ID/Touch ID must be enabled in the settings in SecureSafe.

Activate Autofill for iOS

  1. Navigate to the Settings on your iPhone and select Passwords & Accounts from the options available.
  2. Next, choose Autofill Passwords.
  3. From here, enable autofill by the SecureSafe app.

Use Autofill for iOS for a Web Login

  1. Open your preferred web browser on your iPhone.

  2. Select the username or password field.

  3. The correct username-password combination will automatically display for you to select.

  4. To enhance security, you will be asked to authenticate using either TouchID or FaceID.

  5. Once authenticated, your username and password will automatically fill in the appropriate fields, allowing you to easily access your account.

Use Autofill for iOS for an App Login

To use autofill when logging into an app, simply open the app and navigate to the login page. Then, follow the same steps as you would for logging in through a web browser.