Help and Support: Contact Us

Learn where to find help should you encounter an issue with SecureSafe or its related applications.

If you encounter any questions or problems with SecureSafe or its related applications, we recommend checking our help center and FAQs first.

If you still need assistance, our team of experts is ready to help you resolve any issues or queries you may have.

  • Product-related issues or queries: The most convenient and effective way to reach out to our Customer Support team is by using the contact form on our official support channel. Once you submit your query, issue, or comment, our dedicated team will promptly assist you in resolving your concerns.

  • Product-related Sales enquiries: For more information on SecureSafe subscription plans, upgrades, and how SecureSafe can benefit your company, please refer to our website. Fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page with all the necessary details, and one of our experts will reach out to you promptly.