Team Safe Activity Viewer: Simply Track File Changes and Review Activity

Discover how to effortlessly monitor past activities and keep track of file changes within your team safe.

To easily track file changes and review historical activity, navigate to the Activity tab in your team safe. To access a log of Team Safe activities, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your SecureSafe account.
  2. Access the dropdown menu for safes.

    2. Team Safe Activity Viewer_Dropdown
  3. From the now expanded dropdown menu, select an existing safe in the Team section.
  4. Within the team safe's sidebar menu on the left, select Activity.

    The main window showcases a chronological list of recent activities, with the latest one appearing at the top.
  5. In the right sidebar, you can view the overall count of activities that have been completed.

  6. The main window showcases a chronological list of recent activities, with the latest one appearing at the top.