General Settings: Adjusting Time Zone and Language of Your SecureSafe

Learn how to adjust time zone and language in the general settings in SecureSafe for a personalized experience. Save your settings with ease.

The General tab in Settings indicates the time zone set for the use of your SecureSafe, and is used to set your preferred language.

  1. Review the Time zone field to ensure that the correct time zone is being reported. If this is incorrect, change your time zone setting in your device's operating system and then check again that the value has been reflected here in the General tab in Settings.

    Language and Time Zone can be easily changed at any time under General Settings of your SecureSafe Account.
  2. To change the language setting, click the Language dropdown and select your preferred language from the displayed list. This will change the language that is used in your SecureSafe application.

  3. Click Save and close to save any changes.