FAQ: General SecureSafe Questions

Here you will find the answers to frequently asked general questions regarding SecureSafe.

How can I send files securely?

How can I use password categories?

I couldn't find the answer I was looking for. How do I get more support?

Is your question not listed above? Find more answers under our dedicated FAQ pages on the following topics:

How can I send files securely?

SecureSend feature enables you to transmit files securely to any recipient directly from your SecureSafe account. Follow the steps provided in our guide on SecureSend to utilize this feature effectively.

To use this feature on an iOS or Android device, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Log in to your SecureSafe from your iOS / Android device.

  2. Choose the specific file you wish to securely send from your SecureSafe account, keeping in mind that only one file can be selected at a time.

  3. Click on the three yellow dots located to the right of the file, then select Send securely from the menu that pops up.

  4. Complete the information form by entering the recipient's email address, message, and any other necessary details.

  5. Press Send securely to start transmitting the file.

How can I use password categories?

Password categories enable you to organize your password entries according to your needs. For more information, please refer to our guide on Adding and Assigning Password Categories.

I couldn't find the answer I was looking for. How do I get more support?

If you were unable to find an answer to your problem in our help center or related FAQs, and you have an active SecureSafe subscription, please contact our customer support team.